There are three very important things you can always give but still keep at the same time…Your word, a smile, and a Grateful heart! We should not let bad things in out past effect good things in our future. No matter how far wrong you have gone. You can always turn around. I still wonder how some people can live and not smile, be grateful or even keep their words. Today they blow hot, tomorrow they blow cold. It’s still a mystery to me and maybe with time, i will figure that out. I woke up tired like I ran a race last night and just didn’t feel like going to church. But then I need to start my week right by first getting it right with God (my maker) and I am so I had to go. Although it was almost as if I dragged myself there but every word spoken left me grateful for coming. In church, I learned that average people have wishes and hopes, confident people have goals and plans. We close our eyes for what we don't want to see, just to enjoy the lies we love to hear....
Blogger,writer,very optimistic and sees the best in everything and everyone. Am just me....