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Showing posts from June 26, 2017

Self-centeredness..#The Root Of Unhappiness!

We can try all we want to prescribe rules and regulations for people to live by, but if their hearts are not changed, they will break our rules and resent us for making them. There will always be a time when we have to realize and admit we are being selfish, but we can only come to this realization if we learn to be honest with ourselves. Yea, I know it’s not always that easy. The heart of the gospel and the heart of love is dying to self. If we are truly going to love others, we have to resist self-centeredness in every form. Self-centeredness means being completely focused on ourselves, wants, our desires, our priorities etc. We constantly expect people around us to exist for our benefit and not for themselves. We believe and think they should work to keep us happy, do what we want, and put us first. And by all means, they should not do anything to irritate us or get on our nerves, frustrate or inconvenience us.    William Gladstone once said “Selfishness is the ...

Agree With God..#Be Doubtless!

I am grieved when I hear people devalue themselves with comments such as “I am so stupid”, “I hate the way I look”, “I never do anything right”. When I ask them why they are so fast to condemn themselves their responses are always “My mama said I would never be anything”, “my step father says I’m a failure”, “my friends says I’m a failure”, “my boss doesn’t see anything good in me”. These remarks and many others are so sad and derogatory, they represent an unbiblical way people think about themselves and I have come to understand how dangerous that kind of speaking and thinking is. It does not reflect the truth of God’s word, align with the way He thinks about us. It leaves us trapped and continually live in fear, be less fruitful and less powerful than He desires us to be. We can never rise above the thoughts and beliefs we have towards ourselves, so we must make sure we believe what God says about us. We must stop merely agreeing with other people and their negative pronounc...