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Showing posts from June 24, 2017

A Friend Indeed?…

I have always told myself and the people around me to be very careful when choosing a friend, for a good friend will bring out the best in you and make you shine while a fake or bad friend will break you in every way. A poem says ” If you have a friendship with a person of bad character or reputation, you become as nameless and formless like the drop of water on a frying pan on a hot burning oven. The drop of water evaporates and disappears after a short while.”   So it is when you have a bad friend, you cease to be good and will only be remembered for bad. Who needs such a friend? Evil communication corrupts good manner is an adage as old as time but you never understand this quote until you have a bad friend.  You may be a polite, soft-spoken person of gentle manners while your friend may be domineering, rough, roguish and given to evil ways, it will only be a matter of time before that friend will take advantage of your innocence, softness and trick you, or even ...

No Place Like Home…

Home is anywhere you find peace and fulfillment, anywhere you are free to be yourself, express yourself and still be accepted. It could also be within the confines of a building, although not all the time. Growing up, i was a bit hyperactive and troublesome. I would go outside and look for trouble and when a fight starts, i would run back home where i know i will be safe and my brother’s​ would fight for me. To me, my home was my safe haven, my dad my hero, my mom my mentor and my siblings my best support system. It didn’t matter where i was, i would always want to run back home.  Over the years i have discovered that a lot of people do not feel at home in their homes, nor use their voices in their ​own homes. We must have all heard of the saying “Home is where the heart is.”right? For me, my home isn’t just a place where i eat and sleep, it’s also a place where i find peace, a place where i don’t have to hide what I feel and how i feel. It serves a greater purpose than simpl...