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We need to search our lives for any areas where we've subscribed to the "Greener Grass" mentality and renounce these in the name of Jesus. We need to spend time looking for the many blessings God has put in our lives. We <strong><em>will </em></strong>find them, and the day we do will mark the first day in our lives that we are truly happy.
This however, does lead to an interesting question: If the "greener grass" mentality only leads us to discontentment and sin, and if this spirit of covetousness is at the root of all ev
il, then why do we always seek the "greener grass" that we don't have?
The answer is simple: It is because we have become discontent with what we do have, and this leads us to become blinded to the blessings that God has poured out upon us.
I have spent most of my early life in discontentment. I subscribed to the "Greener Grass" mentality, and I got so busy looking at the things I didn't have that I totally forgot the extensive blessings I had already received. As a result, I was robbed of happiness. Praise God, I am no longer this way. I learned the secret to happiness.
And what is this secret?
Paul sums it up nicely: <em>"Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need."</em> (Phil 4:11-12 NKJV)
Yes, you did read that right. The secret to happiness is to be content no matter what state you are in!
How is this possible?
Paul answers this question in the very next verse: <em>"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."</em>(Phil 4:11-13, NKJV)
In other words, the secret to happiness is not in what we do or don't have; the secret, rather, lies in whether or not we put our trust in Jesus Christ!
Let's take a moment to contemplate just who Jesus is. Let's remember that He's the One who...
1. Fed 5000 with five loaves and two small fish (See Matt 14:13-21);
2. Walked on water (See Matt 14:22-31);
3. Calmed the raging storm with but a word (See Mark 4:35-41); and
4. Brought life to Lazarus' dead body (See John 11:43).
And this same Jesus can also bring life to each of <strong><em>our </em></strong>"dead" situations. Let's not subscribe to the "greener grass" mentality, friends! Instead, let's put our trust in Jesus Christ. Let's allow Him to strengthen us, to work His miracles in our lives, for when we do, we, like Paul, will be able to say, <em>"I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content..."</em> We will have found the key to happiness.
But even more, when we renounce the spirit of covetousness in all of its forms, we are also ensuing that we will not sin against God or against our fellow man.
You know, my neighbour's grass does look a bit greener than mine...but that's because he hasn't cut his yet this season, and it's a foot tall. Mine, on the other hand, may not look quite as green, but it is healthier, it will not harbour as many ticks and other bugs, and it will not be so hard to cut the next time I need to cut it!
Greener grass?
You can have it. I choose to take whatever "grass" God has put in my "yard" with contentment, ever reaching out to His strength to get me through!
Remember <em><strong>"</strong><em><strong>The grass isn't always greener on the other side,except the field belongs to Jesus"</strong></em></em>