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The Woman

​As a woman, you are many things to your husband and as a man, there are 8 things you should be to your wife.

Don’t marry a man because of what he drives but what drives him

Seduce your husband. Don’t always allow your husband to ask for sex. As a woman your under wear should match

You must be a different woman to your husband every time. Be creative. Don’t be predictable. Give him what he wants.

Everyone woman has an influence. If you lose influence over your husband you have lost womanhood

You must learn to synchronize with your husband. Be part of his plans

Don’t have too many children. Sex is not all about making children. Dress to please your husband

Don’t fix time to have sex with your husband.When a man is sexually satisfied he is emotionally stable

As a woman you should invest in yourself spiritually so you can adequately support him. Build yourself as a prayer warrior so that you will not be forced to pray at the end of your life.

I agree with almost all but why must my husband provide for all my needs? Is he a money making machine?

Secondly, why cant I provide for my husband, afterall, iron sharpens iron, they say, if he can buy me something, I should be able to reciprocate, isn’t that romantic?

As a woman you are a helper!

The one who you are helping must be stronger than you! Once you are married, you are somebody’s helper and the helper is meant to have what the person’s need! As a wife, you are meant to surround your husband! Women are natural keepers; men take care of your wives so your life can be long! The woman is your helper. Treasure your wife, let her feel important!! Let your wife know that she is important. Women, you are your husband’s helper, stop looking helter skelter! You are there to help him and God will reward you.

As a woman, you are a builder!!

Proverbs 14:1- A wise woman buildeth her home! We need wisdom to build. You must know when to speak, when to keep quiet, when to comfort, when to build!

As a woman you are a servant!

Titus 2:4-5- These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, 5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

You are a cook, cleaner, laundry woman and nanny!

When last did you love him and lay his head on your chest? When last did you run up behind him and kiss him?

Once a bride, always a bride!! Stop calling him daddy or papa Joseph!! He is your husband! You are a servant, not a slave

12- You are an intercessor!

Prayer cover him, satan proof him, Delilah proof your husband! If God has blessed you with a husband, pray for him. The praying woman is a winning woman; at certain times, just pray for your husband!! No matter how happy you are in your marriage, never stop praying for your husband! In case you don’t know, some people are not happy that you are happy? That husband you think is useless, some people are queuing to marry him. Take care of your home; no matter where you go, come back to your home!

13- As a woman, you are a lover!

Some women forget that you are a lover! Every man is attracted by what he sees, while a woman is attracted by what she hears. That is how we are wired! If you are an old bride beside your husband, you will push him to a Delilah! The male species like variety, even Christian men can be tempted! Therefore, you must be many things to your husband! Become unpredictable in marriage! Wear your hair differently, dress differently!

You should have two types of nightwear, the general ones and the ones only your husband can see you in; you know what I mean. Look lovely for your husband; remind him of what he has. Make the room you share have a wonderful ambience!

Touch your husband! A woman needs 13 meaningful touches a day! Remain romantic! Don’t be an old ugly bride around your husband; walk hard to retain your shape! You must be romantic and spontaneous! Befriend your husband, if you don’t befriend him, you will wake up one day and find a huge emotional gap! Don’t let your ministry or career cause a rift between you

14- As a woman you are a covering!

Look at Genesis 21:9-10

What a man can’t see, a woman can see! So, as a man learn to listen to your woman! Be careful when your wife warns you about a particular business or a friendship or woman, listen to her and try to understand her! Don’t tell your wife to shut up. As a woman, protect your husband, defend him!

15- You are a keeper, an assignment!

For example, he gives you sperm; you keep it, deliver a child and nurture that child! He tells you his vision, you keep it in mind and help nurture and bring it to pass.

May the lord give us Good understanding amen.


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