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Our Reflections....In His Eyes

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Happy New Year my lovely fans...... blogging for close to two years now, it’s encouraging to see a lot of people sharing my articles. Some of these people share straight from my blog using one of the social networking share buttons, or perhaps on the blogging network, I am extremely grateful to these people.
For everyone that liked my post "<strong><em>Thank you</em></strong><em>"</em>, For everyone that commented "<em><strong>Thank you</strong>"</em>. There would be no me without you guys, thank you for doing this with me last year, I look forward to stronger friendships, relationships and more educative, inspiring and motivating articles from us. <strong><em>"</em><em>Let's make it better this year together</em></strong><em>". </em>

It's A New Year, a new dawn, a new beginning. Most of us has pened down new year Resolutions, turned new leaf, ready to take that bold step that we just couldn't take in 2016. Some of us are still angry, hurt, lonely, shattered, puzzled and bewildered. Some are just not willing to believe God still cares and love them since 2016 didn't deliver their much desired expectations.

It is very important to know how God sees us, what He thinks about us, and what His desires for us are. How can you trust somebody who you aren't really sure is looking out for your best interest? How can you freely put your life in the hands of somebody who you perceive may use you and not be trustworthy? That is one of the fundamental reasons why Christians today have a hard time trusting God. They know little about Him and how He sees and has good things in mind for them! Therefore, studying up how God sees us, and getting it down into our spirits that He really does love us, desires good things for us, and cares for us, is vital to our ability to trust Him.

The fact is that until you know in your heart that God really does love and care for you, it's going to be difficult to believe His promises for you even as just began the year... they just won't make much sense! I like how Benny Hinn once said that when you believe in God's power, "God can"... but when you believe in His love, "God will." I felt the Holy Spirit saying to me, "Believe in me, believe in my love for you." Then a verse came to me, saying, "The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love." (Psalms 147:11 NIV)

We cannot come to God on our own merit. We must be escorted by His Son. Let's take a look at this scenario....<strong><em>"</em></strong><em><strong>A powerful king sits on his throne, judging the people. Guards attend him, and commoners wait in long lines for an audience. Suddenly, the doors of the throne room burst open. Heads turn, and everyone gasps. There stand two little boys. One is clean, but one is covered in mud and crying. With brazen boldness the unsullied boy tugs the other down the red carpet toward the throne. The guards pull their swords, waiting for a nod from the king to get rid of the intrusion. But the king holds up a hand, and his face softens into a smile.</strong></em>

<em><strong>The first little boy stops at the king's knee and pulls his buddy into the circle of his arm. "Dad, this is my friend. He's scared and hurt. I told him you could help." The king opens his arms to envelop both boys, not caring that mud is smeared on his royal robe. He looks into the frightened eyes of the muddy waif and says, "Any friend of my son's is welcome here. How can I help you?"</strong></em>

God sees us so differently from the way we see ourselves and the way others see us, that there’s really no comparison. It’s like He and we are looking at two different people. And in a way that’s true because we can only see ourselves from our past experience, but He has chosen to see us now as we will be in the future when we’re with Him forever. So let’s set aside how we see ourselves for a moment and take a look at how he sees ".<strong>You Are Perfect In His Sight, As Righteous As He Is.</strong>

<em>"For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy</em> (<strong>Hebrews 10:14</strong>)".


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