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Days of Reckoning


Gone are the days when an intentional football match involving Nigeria would dry up the streets, with most people at home and glued to their TV sets. One of such games was during the Saudi 89' World Cup championship. Famously called,  THE MIRACLE OF DAMMAN- We were playing against USSR.

Never mind, I won't bore you with the details. But by the end of the first half, we were practically down and out. With a 4-goal deficit to cope with, Most people switched off their sets. But in the second half we began to hear some shouts. And it appeared to increase with every shout. Before we knew it, the game turned around, and Nigeria won. Prior to this time, there was no record of such a feat in our history.

Here we are at the second half of 2016. There's no telling that Nigeria and indeed most Nigerians have been hit hard, especially by the fast dwindling economy. Most folks have never had it this tough. And there seems to be little or no hope for a better 2016.

But I bring you a word this morning. Things are turning around for good. You may have groaned and cried in the first half, but you are about to shout for Joy. We serve a God of the turn around. The one who can declare "BY HIS TIME TOMORROW....",

Nothing takes him by surprise. And he is still in charge. It doesn't matter how much deficit you have to cope with, He is able to turn things around. You too can experience the "miracle of DAMMAN"-, sorry, MIRACLE OF YOUR LIFE beginning from today.

Have faith in God. Give him thanks for the first half. But you say, what for? At least for the fact that you are alive to read this post. It only shows he's got you in mind. Praise Him. Worship him. Look beyond the present condition. And like David, who was distresses and discouraged, Arise from the ashes of despair, for in this second half, you shall PURSUE, OVERTAKE, and without fail, RECOVER ALL, in Jesus' name.

Rejoice ! For I see you bouncing back with great power and great grace.

Happy new month.


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