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The Perfect Timing….

One of the biggest mistakes we make as believers is that we fail to remember that God’s timing rarely matches our timing. We think and plan in temporal terms, and God thinks and plans in eternal terms. What this means is we are very interested in right now, and God is interested in the long term. We want what God feels right now, what produces immediate results, but God is willing to be patient and deliberate as He invests in us over a period of time to produce results far better and longer lasting than we can imagine.

Just as our children try to talk us into giving them what they want right away, we often try to talk God into immediately giving us what we want. He loves us even more than we love our children and He loves us too much too hastily give in to our pleadings. He knows something born prematurely might struggle to survive, so He waits until He knows everything is properly prepared for the arrival of our dream.
He sees what we do not see and understands what we do not understand. He asks us to put aside our natural tendencies to want to figure out what should happen in our lives and when it should happen. It’s a tough one but it’s the best for us. He wants us to resist the urge to “help” Him accomplish His divine purpose with our human reasoning and with fleshy efforts. He also desires us to stop being frustrated because things do not go according to our plan, and instead, relax, enjoys the ride and trust He is working everything according to His perfect timing and the wisdom of his plan.
#God does not only plan for our lives, He also knows the perfect timing for each aspect of those plans…. #Woke up with these thoughts.


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