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Blinded Devotion.........

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes people tick?  What moves people to do the things they do?  What causes people to react in the many ways they do?</strong></em>

There can be no leaders without some form of followers. They( most leaders), with their smooth and fair speech, beguile the hearts of the innocent.  Because the leaders are blind, those who follow after them likewise are blind.  Their sense of assurance is a false sense of assurance.  They think they have peace when in reality they are like Judah of old crying, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14). 
Many of our own congregations are like the churches at Sardis who have a reputation that lives but are dead (Revelation 3:1) and at Laodicea who say, “I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing;” but are really “wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17).   The blind who follow are those who do not exercise their senses to discern both good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).

The blind who lead generally do so because of pride. All their works they do, they do it to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, They have perverted priorities.Most Denominational preachers and pastors, as well as many of our own preacherettes and youth ministers, are blind leaders,thereby making their followers "<strong>Blindly Devoted.</strong>

Most people are followers – not leaders. Similar to the behaviour of dogs who will follow a pack leader, most people tend to follow others – even blindly or subconsciously.

<em><strong>"A preparedness mindset tends to break you of this habitual human behaviour (being a ‘blind’ follower in the pack). But watch out, the wolves leading the pack of today’s modern sheeple-people don’t like it when followers begin to ask questions…</strong></em>

I suppose that if you put 100 leaders in a room, nothing would get done. Progress needs its followers. My gut instinct tells me that maybe 5 or 10 percent of people might be so called leaders. So does that mean that the 90 to 95% of the rest are followers blindly following their leaders? No, but I do suppose that a majority follow ‘blindly’ (easily persuaded or swayed) while some lesser percent may ‘think’, challenge or question some of the time.

Some leaders take their position and abuse it (which is the context of this post). Some leaders are ‘extreme’ or become extreme. Not all leaders have good intentions. Some leaders are gifted with more charisma than others, and may abuse it nefariously to sway the pack of sheeple.

Some ‘followers’ have personality traits such as loyalty and obedience which can be beneficial, but if taken too far can lead to a <em>blind</em> follower (followers hip?). Powerful leaders (or a leader) with legions of unquestioning followers can lead to bad places… Just look back through history.

We seem to be living in a modern society where questioning so called authority is often taboo or a bad thing. We’re living in a modern world which does its best to shape us into good little followers who are trained and taught NOT to think for themselves (it seems). I am concerned that independent thought and critical thinking is waning in our modern world. Not sure if this perception is partly to do with getting older and seeing the big picture more clearly, but I don’t think so – I believe that something has changed over these several decades and it’s not leading to a good place. Like rows of sheeple willingly walking off a cliff one right after the other…

Many followers who dare to question or challenge are sometimes chastised or punished – perhaps as an example to the others who might be considering similar actions. Nefarious leaders need blind followers after all…

So what’s the point of all this?

Good question… I am often concerned about the apparent large percentage of blind followers (particularly regarding our direction of the nation, the world, our so called political ‘leaders’, and the messaging of propaganda). 

"<em><strong>How many of us truly knows what we are devoted to?......</strong></em>


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